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For years, cosmetic surgery has primarily been targeted at women, but now men are coming to realize the benefits of cosmetic services. Here’s how men can look and feel younger with the help of Botox®. At DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery in Doral, Florida, Dr. Ernest M. DiGeronimo offers safe,...
Under the chin is a sneaky place for fat to hide out. Fat in this area is called submental fat, and it can be almost impossible to exercise or diet away. That’s where Kybella® comes in. This FDA approved injectable can naturally disperse fat cells, leaving you with a sleeker...
Your skin consists of multiple layers of fragile but self-replenishing layers of tissues, including an interlaced network of collagen and elastin. This framework gives your skin volume and flexibility, supporting your top layers of skin and preventing wrinkles or sagging. However, over time, your body makes less and less of...
Your body is likely to change following childbirth, even with proper diet and exercise. If you’re unhappy with these changes or want to bounce back faster, a mommy makeover is a great way to address all your concerns. This is a combination of surgeries tailored to your needs. With the...
If you often feel that your breasts are too big, you’d probably benefit from a reduction. Many women have concerns about regretting the decision, but very few actually do. You have many options when it comes to breast reduction, and you can find a breast size that makes you happy...
You don’t have to go to Brazil to get a Brazilian butt lift, but you do need to follow the same protocol before and after surgery no matter where in the world you receive such surgery. If you’re interested in enhancing your shape, a butt lift is a great way...
Women’s bodies are constantly under scrutiny. There are multimillion dollar industries for diets, creams, lotions, supplements, machines, and laser treatments to tone, tighten, and change your outward appearance. When it comes to your thighs, going straight to the source of the issue is faster and more effective than wasting time...
Just as people can inherit a genetic tendency to height or a certain hair color, they also inherit genes related to chronic disease, mental illness, addiction, or even undesirable features. Gynecomastia, or the growth of breast tissue in men, can have roots in your genetics. If you’re concerned about passing...
You’re dieting, exercising, and going the extra mile to slim down and tone your body, but stubborn fat keeps you from realizing your goals. Don’t worry: You’re not alone. Fat can hang around even when you’ve put in tons of hard work to get rid of it, and sometimes all...
While it’s natural for your face to start to hollow out as you age, it does make you look significantly older. Once this process begins, it can be difficult to stop. You can attempt to maintain your skin as much as possible, but your features may continue to sink. If...
In recent years, it’s become more openly acceptable for men to have an interest in cosmetics, from wearing makeup to having surgical procedures to enhance their appearance. Many men are using injectables in the same way they enhance themselves through gym time and visits to their barber. Botox® is the...
Known commonly as a facelift, a rhytidectomy is one of the most well known cosmetic surgeries available. Surgical facelifts are a straightforward solution to correcting saggy skin, and an experienced surgeon can easily evaluate your face and find the best possible approach for you. If your concerns are focused on...
Are you unhappy with the state of your skin? Bad lifestyle habits and environmental factors can all cause your skin to age faster than it should, leaving you feeling self-conscious and unhappy with your appearance. At DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery in Miami, Florida, Dr. Ernest M. DiGeronimo can provide...
If you’re interested in undergoing a tummy tuck, you’re likely already aware that it will take time to fully heal. In the meantime, you’ll need to take it easy and take care of yourself. To best prepare for a tummy tuck, try to make your recovery space as inviting and...
While most people have heard of Botox®, the neurotoxin is not alone in its class. There are plenty of different cosmetic injectables, including those that use the same components. For example, Dysport® can be used in a similar manner to Botox. However, it takes a master injector to know which...
There are many reasons you might pursue a rhinoplasty. You might want to change the shape of your nose, correct a defect or injury, or relieve congestion and sinus pain caused by a deviated septum or other nasal issues. Regardless of your reasons for wanting a nose job, it’s important...
If you’re planning on undergoing a breast lift, you’ll need to take adequate time off and make the proper arrangements. While most patients hope to be back on their feet as quickly as possible, sometimes the body requires more downtime than you’d expect. At DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery in...
Overly large breasts can cause much more unhappiness than small ones. The problems with excess breast tissue include back pain, shoulder pain, difficulty finding clothes that fit, and embarrassment. Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammaplasty, has an incredibly high patient satisfaction rate of up to 95%, since it...
Many people used to worry about their butts appearing too large, but now a round bottom is preferable. With the Brazilian butt lift, or BBL, you can take excess fat from other areas of the body and use it to sculpt your behind. It takes a skilled surgeon to graft...
The aging process is still being researched, but we’ve come to understand many of the key factors and molecules involved in skin health. Among those is hyaluronic acid (HA), which plays a major role in retaining moisture. Keeping the skin hydrated is a major part of maintaining a supple, youthful...
Between eyelid surgeries that are performed for cosmetic reasons and those that are a required medical procedure to rectify obscured vision, around 150,000 people get eyelid surgery in the US every year. At DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery in Miami, Florida, Dr. Ernest M. DiGeronimo always walks you through your...
As a cosmetic surgery option rapidly growing in popularity, chin augmentation allows people whose facial features don’t send the message they would prefer to achieve a “stronger” or more decisive appearance. At DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery in Miami, Florida, Dr. Ernest M. DiGeronimo can discuss the pros and cons...
Some people seek out a nose job for aesthetics, in order to straighten, shorten or completely change the shape of their nose and/or its placement on their face. For others, a rhinoplasty is a much needed medical procedure, used to correct defects in the sinuses and make breathing easier. At...
Lack of collagen can make your face look older, due to fine lines and wrinkles as gravity pulls your facial skin downwards and expressions cause creases. Stimulating collagen growth can help rejuvenate your face and also treat problems like dimples caused by acne scars. At DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery...
Every year, millions of New Year's resolutions are made, and most of them have to do with appearance. If you’ve decided to give yourself the gift of self-confidence through a younger, fresher appearance, Botox® might be the ideal choice. At DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery in Miami, Florida, Dr. Ernest M. DiGeronimo can...
There are somewhere around 150,000 eyelid surgeries performed in the US every year. Most are solely for cosmetic reasons, but quite a few are for upper eyelids that droop so low they obscure vision. At DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery in Miami, Florida, Dr. Ernest M. DiGeronimo can evaluate your condition and help you...
Are you unhappy with your body, even after putting in all of the work with diet and exercise to achieve your desired look? Fat has a way of hanging on stubbornly no matter what you do, and there’s no shame in getting a little help to finish that last mile...
Are you unhappy with your labia? Many women wish their labial tissue was less large, long, or erratically shaped. However, for some women, this issue goes beyond cosmetics and can actually be causing some health issues. At DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery, we provide labiaplasty for both cosmetic and medical reasons, helping you...
Unhappy with dimpled, cottage cheese thighs? You’re not alone. Between 80% and 90% of women past the age of puberty have cellulite. If you’re still relatively cellulite free, you can start taking steps now to prevent cellulite. If not, there’s still hope! At DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery, our expert...
Television, film, billboards and magazines have given us an almost impossible to achieve “ideal” of what the natural female body should look like. In reality, every woman’s body is different. Genetics, lifestyle, stage of life, and other factors can all impact how your breasts look, move, and feel. Our team...
Many misconceptions exist about facelifts, including what the right age is for a facelift. Facelifts are not, in many cases, a one-and-done surgery. In fact, more and more women are getting multiple facelifts a decade apart, starting as young as 35. At DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery in Miami, Florida, Dr. Ernest...
There are plenty of factors that can make you look older. Sun and wind exposure, a history of acne, rosacea or other skin conditions, a smoking habit, and just years rolling by can all take their toll on the skin of your face. At DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery in Miami, Florida,...
Sun damage, aging, smoking, and even menopause can lead to sagging and stretching of the facial features, causing lines, wrinkles, and drooping. A traditional facelift can help address these issues, giving you back a taut, youthful appearance.You can actively participate in making your facelift results last as long as possible...
Acne can leave its mark on your face, from discolored spots to sharp “ice pick” dimples that never seem to smooth out. Fortunately, modern cosmetic dermatology has an answer for unsightly acne scarring. At DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery in Miami, Florida, Dr. Ernest M. DiGeronimo can use the Rejuvapen® microneedling system to...
Eyelid sagging, also known as ptosis, is the reason for around 150,000 eyelid surgeries in the US every year. The most common cause of eyelid sagging and bagging is aging, but there are also adjacent causes. At DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery in Miami, Florida, Dr. Ernest M. DiGeronimo can...
Cosmetic surgery is a deeply personal choice, and you have to weigh the potential risks yourself. However, the Brazilian butt lift is shrouded in misconceptions. If you’re unhappy with the size and shape of your buttocks, it might be time to consult with a trustworthy surgeon about whether this procedure...
A “weak” or receding chin can make you feel self conscious or unhappy with your appearance. A strong chin is often associated with virility or decisiveness, while a weak chin is associated with the opposite attributes. It’s no wonder people seek out chin augmentation as a way to strengthen their...
The skin on our necks is not only highly visible, but also prone to the effects of aging. Facelifts are considered the gold standard for antiaging procedures, but this concept can be applied to the neck as well. By lifting the skin under your jaw, you can combat wrinkles, sagging,...
If you’ve never received antiaging injections before, you might be surprised by how many cosmetic injectables exist. With so many neurotoxins and fillers on the market, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and confused while going over your options. While Botox® and Dysport® are similar, there are a few key differences...
The aging process, exposure to the sun, a smoking habit, weight gain and loss, smiling or frowning — all of these factors can contribute to wrinkles showing up on your face. Fortunately, there is a way to reverse the appearance of wrinkles and smooth away fine lines for a fresher...
Are you unhappy with the shape or size of your nose and want a change in your appearance? Maybe you have sinus issues, and nose surgery could give you relief. To find out if you are a good candidate for a nose job, or rhinoplasty, you need to talk to...
Excess skin, stubborn fat, and previous pregnancies or surgeries can get in the way of your beach body, making it difficult to achieve a flattering figure. A full or partial tummy tuck can completely transform your stomach, giving you a tighter, more toned abdomen. At DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery...
Have you ever found yourself wishing that you could take fat from one part of your body and move it to another? Your wish can be a reality with the help of DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery. We offer a procedure called fat transfer, which allows you to remove and...
Over the years, your body goes through many transitions that change the shape and size of your breasts. These changes are normal and natural, whether they come from motherhood, aging, or lifestyle changes. Our team of health care professionals at DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery understands the desire to restore...
Nonsurgical cosmetic procedures are steadily increasing in popularity, with over one million Americans opting for injectables every year. There are many options to choose from depending on the kind of enhancement you desire. But how do you know which one is best for you? At DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery,...
It’s almost summertime, and that means swimsuit season is just around the corner. This time of year can be difficult for many women who struggle with excess labia tissue. Whether it’s something you’ve dealt with your whole life, or a change in your body after childbirth, having too much labia...
For decades, there has been societal pressure to have beautiful, well-sculpted legs – especially on women. Diets, exercises, and even home remedies like creams or store-bought machines have brought promises of smoother, tighter legs. But those options don’t work for everyone. If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your legs...
Pregnancy is such a beautiful and miraculous part of life, and having a child brings so much love and joy. With all the wonderful things that come with motherhood, you may find that down the road, you’re missing your prepregnancy body. For many women, a healthy diet and regular exercise...
Undergoing plastic surgery on your genitals can be daunting. You probably have a ton of questions about the procedure and what to expect. Our team here at DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery wants to put you at ease and in the know when it comes to vaginal rejuvenation. What is...
When you think about breast surgery, what likely comes to your mind is getting a breast augmentation in order to increase the size of your breasts, change their shape, or change where they sit on your chest. However, many women undergo breast surgery for noncosmetic reasons as well, and we...
Are you thinking about getting a facelift, but upon doing some research you become overwhelmed by the amount of information you’re finding? Is some of that information leading you to wonder if you’re even a good candidate for a facelift? The idea of undergoing surgery can be daunting on its...
For many of us, maintaining a youthful look is an important part of our skincare routine. Unfortunately, creams, serums, and cleansers can only take us so far in our fight against wrinkles. At DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery, we offer SculptraⓇ, an injectable treatment that erases facial wrinkles right before...
As youths, we typically take our beautiful, healthy hair for granted. We seldom think about a time when we might start losing our hair. Once that time comes, it can be heartbreaking. Many people try home remedies or store-bought solutions that may or may not take effect. However, there is...
As you get older, it can become more difficult to keep your neck contoured, lifted, and wrinkle-free. Unfortunately, gravity works to pull your skin down over time, and the loss of collagen, the protein that keeps your skin young, results in thinning and further wrinkling of your skin. At DiGeronimo...
If you’re considering undergoing a surgical procedure during COVID-19, you’re not alone. According to a survey by The American Society of Plastic Surgeons, of the 1,000 people surveyed, 49% of those who’d had plastic surgery before are open to undergoing cosmetic surgery in these times, and that 28% of those...
Face-lifts are out! At least that’s what Harper’s Bazaar says in its article on why face-lifts are truly dead! And it’s no wonder why. Today, we have the technology for nonsurgical cosmetic enhancements that can give you the look of a face-lift without any of the hassle of surgery and...
Want to know what the great thing about a Brazillian butt lift is? The procedure uses your own body fat to enhance your butt. So, you don’t have to deal with any foreign or unnatural substances in your body. And that’s great, because, well, we don’t have to tell you...
Did you know that fillers, like those that use hyaluronic acid, are the second most popular minimally invasive cosmetic procedures, with over 2.6 million performed in 2018 alone? Not so different from fashion and pop culture, plastic surgery has its popular trends too, and injectable fillers are pretty hot right...
Still among the most popular cosmetic procedures, breast augmentations accounted for 300,000 of plastic surgeries in the United States alone in 2018. These days, you have more options than just the traditional silicone type. At DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery, Dr. Ernest and our team are here to...
Whether you’re looking to tighten up loose skin, target some extra pockets of vanity fat, or contour your curves, noninvasive body contouring treatments could be the “treat yourself” gift you’ve been looking for. At DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery, Dr. Ernest and our team are proud to offer you two...
Like most aesthetic and plastic surgery procedures, face-lifts have come a long way in the last few decades. Surgical tools and techniques have been modernized so that incisions are more subtle and some patients can even go home on the same day of the procedure to recover in the comfort...
Rhinoplasty remains one of the world’s most popular cosmetic procedures, with more than 200,000 nose jobs performed every year in the U.S. alone. Are you wondering if rhinoplasty could be right for you? At DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery in Miami, Florida, Dr. Ernest DiGeronimo performs both aesthetic and medically...
Do you wish you had fuller lips or defined cheekbones? Do you dream of perkier breasts or a rounder derriere? Instead of turning to dermal fillers or implants, fat transfers are a more natural solution. Plus, they have come with a bonus: They can get rid of your problem areas...
Many men take great pride in their appearance and feel more confident and comfortable when they look their best. Given that, it’s not surprising that many aesthetic procedures popular among women have grown increasingly in-demand for men. Many of these procedures are minimally invasive and performed during an in-office appointment,...
While there’s a time and place for cosmetic surgery, did you know that it is possible to get rid of love handles without going under the knife? At DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery in Miami, Florida, we’ve perfected the art of helping you eliminate fat in problem areas such as...
Eyelid surgery, or a blepharoplasty, is one of the most effective ways to combat aging in your face, opening up your eyes for a more youthful look. While modern surgical techniques have come a long way, there’s still a period of recovery after eyelid surgery that you need to consider....
Belly flab is a common source of concern for both men and women. Even if you eat healthy and work out regularly, you may still struggle to trim down your muffin top. If you’re frustrated with your lack of progress toward a slimmer midsection, you may be considering plastic surgery....
You’ve taken a good, hard look at all the noninvasive anti-aging therapies out there, and have even dabbled in a few. But most of them seem designed to combat the early signs of aging or just give your skin a healthier glow. If you have significant facial volume loss, jowling,...