Smooth Out Sagging and Bulging Thighs With a Thigh Lift
For decades, there has been societal pressure to have beautiful, well-sculpted legs – especially on women. Diets, exercises, and even home remedies like creams or store-bought machines have brought promises of smoother, tighter legs. But those options don’t work for everyone.
If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your legs and are searching for an option that is effective and can make a dramatic change, you’ve come to the right place. At DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery, we offer thigh lifts to smooth out and tighten your skin while removing excess skin and fat.
How it works
When you come into our Miami office for a consultation, you’re greeted by our dedicated team and introduced to our expert plastic surgeon, Dr. Ernest DiGeronimo. He discusses your aesthetic goals with you, what you can realistically expect from a thigh lift, and how to prepare for your procedure. This may include adjusting or stopping certain medications and undergoing a medical evaluation.
On the day of your procedure, Dr. DiGeronimo administers anesthesia to ensure you’re as comfortable as possible while you’re under the knife. He then makes multiple incisions along the areas being treated, which may differ depending on the treatment areas, degree of correction you need, and doctor preference.
One technique is an inner thigh lift, in which incisions start in your groin and wrap down and around to the back of your thigh. Another technique places an incision down your leg from your groin to your knee and removes skin that way. If you’re looking to improve the contour of your outer thigh, incisions may start in your groin and extend around your hip and across your back.
Your doctor determines which technique is most appropriate for you beforehand and places the incisions strategically to hide any scarring as much as possible. Once the incisions are made, the skin is lifted and excess fat and skin is removed. Deep sutures in the underlying tissues of your thighs help form and support the new and improved contours. The incisions are then closed using clips, sutures, or skin adhesive tapes.
Results are apparent immediately, though swelling and bruising may initially affect what changes can be noticed.
Dr. DiGeronimo gives you all the information you need in order to make a full recovery without complications. You’re given daily instructions on what to do, as well as painkillers and antibiotics. Frequent visits back to our office are necessary to care for your incisions.
It’s important that you take it easy while you’re healing, and that you avoid putting excess force on your legs during this time. However, some walking is important in aiding your recovery. Be sure to monitor how you’re feeling postsurgery. If you experience any chest pains, shortness of breath, or unusual heartbeats, get immediate medical attention.
Younger, tighter, smoother legs are in your future with the help of DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery. If you’re ready to love your legs again, you can schedule an appointment with Dr. DiGeronimo by phone or online.