Life After Brazilian Butt Lift

You don’t have to go to Brazil to get a Brazilian butt lift, but you do need to follow the same protocol before and after surgery no matter where in the world you receive such surgery. If you’re interested in enhancing your shape, a butt lift is a great way to boost the buttocks and fill out your figure. There’s just a few things you need to know about life after a Brazilian butt lift.

At DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery in Doral, Florida, Dr. Ernest M. DiGeronimo offers Brazilian butt lifts to give you the confidence and positive body image you’ve always deserved. Here’s what you need to know.

The BBL procedure 

The Brazilian butt lift (BBL) was developed and popularized in Brazil and uses fat from other areas of the body to enhance the buttocks. A combination of liposuction and fat grafting come together to transfer the fat between different parts of your body. 

Fat is typically taken from the abdomen, hips, and thighs. Dr. DiGeronimo makes small incisions and uses a tiny tube to suck the fat cells from the donor area. We then purify the fat before injecting it into your buttocks to create a pleasing derriere.   

Since a BBL uses your own fat cells instead of implants, there is a significantly reduced risk of allergic reaction or rejection following the surgery

BBL recovery

Your body will absorb much of the transferred fat following the surgery; anywhere from 20% to 40% of the cells will be broken down by your body. 

While this reduces your results, it’s natural and part of the healing process. Your surgeon compensates for this loss of fat during the procedure by injecting slightly more than will be needed to achieve the desired effect. 

Your life immediately after a fat transfer should focus on allowing the surgical sites to heal. Dr. DiGeronimo will give you instructions on how to ensure your donor site areas stay clean and infection free, and will also instruct you on lifestyle habits you need to adopt during your recovery.

Since you want to preserve the shape of your butt as much as possible until it’s finished healing, you’ll need to wear a compression garment to hold everything firmly in place. You cannot put pressure on your behind, which means you’re going to be prohibited from sitting normally, and you’ll need to find a way to sleep that does not allow you to roll onto your back. 

Life after a BBL

Your final results will evolve over time and you’ll look different at every stage of recovery. The fat grafts will settle and any absorption that takes place will affect the end result. Some people want  a secondary “touch-up” procedure after their initial one, to get just the right look. However, most women are quite pleased with their results and find that their rear stays firm, bouncy, and tight. You’ll want to stick to a healthy weight to keep your results long term.

Think a Brazilian butt lift is just what the doctor ordered? Contact us at 305-376-0378 or request an appointment online today.

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