How a Fat Transfer Works

Have you ever found yourself wishing that you could take fat from one part of your body and move it to another? Your wish can be a reality with the help of DiGeronimo MD Advanced Plastic Surgery. We offer a procedure called fat transfer, which allows you to remove and distribute your fat to areas of your body you’d like to be more plump.

This procedure sounds like a miracle! But how does it work? In this blog, we explain how fat transfer works and answer some of your most pressing questions about it.

What is a fat transfer?

Also referred to as fat grafting, fat transfer is a cosmetic surgical procedure that takes fat from one area of your body and puts it back into another area that could benefit from an augmentation. Any area can be used for donation, though most people ask that fat be taken from their stomach, thighs, or flanks.

This procedure has been used by plastic surgeons since the 1990s. In more recent years, fat transfer has been found to have healing properties as well. Specifically, it can assist in healing scars and wounds, as well as breast tissue damage as a result of radiation therapy.

How it works

When you meet with our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Ernest DiGeronimo, you discuss which parts of your body you would like to take fat from and which parts you would like to be more plumped or filled. Some popular areas to have fat transferred to include:

Fat transfer is typically performed using some form of anesthesia. The type of anesthesia used depends on the amount of fat being extracted. While smaller amounts of fat can be taken using just a local anesthetic, larger amounts require you to be sedated.

The procedure starts by taking fat from the donor area via liposuction. The fat is then cleaned and processed. Some fat may be discarded due to the risk of it not surviving the transfer, or even causing problems for the good fat cells that do survive. Once the processing is completed and the fat is ready to be transferred, your doctor reinjects it in tiny droplets within the subcutaneous tissue of the receiving area.

After fat transfer

While recovery time can vary, most people are able to go back to work within a month of their procedure. Light activity is fine during your first few weeks post-op. Taking walks is encouraged, as it helps with blood flow. Refrain from any strenuous activity or sports for six weeks after surgery. Bruising and swelling are to be expected, and typically subside within a few weeks.

Fat removal from the donor area is permanent. Though the extracted fat cells do not come back, it is possible to gain back some weight in that area. Eating a healthy, balanced diet is crucial for recovery, as well as maintaining your results.

Whether you’re looking to fill out some hip dips, restore your youthful face, or treat scars, our dedicated team of health care professionals is here for you. Let us make your aesthetic dreams come true. Contact our Miami, Florida, office to schedule an appointment today.

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